  • authored by Elvis Viskovic
  • published Fri, Aug 27, 2004

Pyramids, Labour and The Hub Theory

The world is filled with PROBLEMS.

When I mention this word, your first thought might be to think about poverty, disease, etc. It's not an incorrect thought... but the way you think about solving the particular issue, if you're so inclined, might be. You see, every question/problem in life has a simple answer. It's not always obvious, but it is there. It might not be quick to find. It might take countless generations, but when it is found - in its purest form- it will be simple. That's a guarantee.

Here at MFD the problems discussed deal with labour issues. From everything I hear and read, most people think that the perceived problems are impossible to deal with or need some insanely complex solution. Many give up the quest, based on this errant observation. What you end up with are varied opinions that are unable to find a common link. The link is there. These opinions have all grown from the same foundation... a simple common thought.

Guys, take a deep breath, and simplify.

I'm going to ask you to do something... as you read this, take time to look around your room, your workspace and notice how everything you see is essentially simple.

Everything has a basic shape. Objects, architecture, and even your own existence, all have a simple mathematical start. The words that you are reading at the moment are all a result of billions of 0's and 1's, which combine to build the computer that I typed this on. 0's and 1's...can you get any more simple? Don't be scared of it. Things that seem complex can be broken down into a very simple form rather easily. Those 0's and 1's still exist behind these typewritten words. They've just been layered over, but peel back the layers and they are there. They are the foundation.

The world's greatest problems could be solved much more quickly if people didn't think they needed a complex solution. A problem broken down to its basics can be solved much more quickly. Ask a mathematician... I won't... they kind of bore me. That's just me though.

This is your life - every aspect of it - just simplified:

It's all a bunch of triangles, PYRAMIDS, if you will. Think about it. From your job, your family tree, the world's political systems, to organized crime, etc., every aspect of your life is organized in this fashion. It might not be obvious, but dwell on it a bit. Even the recent Olympics prove it. The medal podium is set up in pyramid style to showcase the 3 best in the world. They are at the top of the athletic pyramid. The rest of us are at the bottom.

So what am I saying? That our society worships the triangle without knowing it? That the triangle/pyramid is the greatest of shapes? I won't go that far, but if I wanted to try to defend that position, I'd ask, "What is the only surviving of the 7 Ancient Wonders of The World?"

Well that would be the Great Pyramid of Giza. A pyramid? Coincidental? The oldest and only Wonder of The World to survive to this day. And it still baffles people. Those Egyptians worshiped many things, and mathematics was one of them. Historians consider them smarter than us because we still cannot figure out their secrets. I'm going to venture a guess as to why that is: Because they kept it simple. We think we're too smart for that. Now, as I write this, I have no clue about how the pyramid was built or how many different theories are out there about this construction marvel. But I have a simple thought. That's all that is needed. This was my first a square/cube and cut the sides to get your triangle/pyramid.

You can't get simpler that that. Did I solve the great pyramid question? I very highly doubt that, but I get a laugh thinking that the answer is probably this simple.

Where am I going with this?

Well the triangles are a problem, because we're not taking full advantage of them. Our systems (including labour) are all built with one person at the top, and a bunch of people at the bottom. If you start thinking about inverting the triangle, you still are left with the same thing. So it won't help.

Go back and look at the triangles above. Think about them as different competing corporations... all trying to be number one. Do they associate with each other? Well yes they do, but it usually happens when the guys at the top decide to get together and form alliances or deal with each other. The guys at the bottom are being controlled. They work for this triangle and this triangle only. Their thoughts and information can circulate around the triangle, but must eventually go up for any chance of accessing all the other triangles. Herein lies the problem. The leader has too much control. And the efforts of those below are being wasted.

So what is the simplest of solutions? Well, first get rid of the leader. Stay with me - don't get mad yet - because when I say get rid of I mean something else, and I promise to explain it. The second part is to get rid of the triangles/pyramids. WHAT? Confused? Again get rid of means something else. To totally throw out what our society is basically built on, is definitely not simple. So how about just using the shapes in a more efficient manner - reorganize them.

My proposal is a grouping of triangles centered around a hub.

The hub is the 'common thought'. Those with that thought can connect themselves into the hub. Anyone that connects is a leader. A leader can bring thousands of people with them (an organized website for example), or they could be one person starting out. A 'leader' within a triangle can emerge and create their own triangle. The difference is that there is no longer a 'top' of the pyramid. And there is essentially no more waste of resources in the bottom of the pyramids. This is because the whole body of the pyramid is fused with the others. Think of the dividing lines (the pyramids' sides) as information 'menus'. Once you plug yourself into the hub, you instantly have access to what is happening in all the other triangles.

Insert some dots into the triangles around the hub. Play connect-the-dots. You'll notice that now information doesn't have to flow only up-down. It can go in thousands of circular directions and the possibilities are endless.

Now, is this something new? No, we just haven't recognized it. We've had this thing called the internet that has been wonderful to us. It's driving the outside world's triangles crazy because we're learning how powerful it is and on a deeper level they know their time will soon be up. But we're making a critical mistake. We're organizing it again in selfish triangle style - like them. It can work differently. The hub with only a few connections can become so powerful, at such an exponential rate, that no solitary triangle could compete with it. And that is one hub. What if each triangle was plugged into multiple hubs? Multiple common thoughts?

Now there is some debate over how to define future 'leaders'. Some people feel that a JFK or Martin Luther King type is needed. I'm going to venture that it will be impossible to get that type of a person in power, unless the system is changed to facilitate him or her getting there. But once he/she reaches the top by using this 'changed' system, they are no longer a JFK/MLK type. Because the system that brought them there was built on thousands of leaders and ordinary people that already understand the 'vision'. They not need to have it preached to them, because they will have been a part of the 'common thought' from the start. The chosen leader will no longer be a solitary target (literally), because the ideas will already be old news.

Feel free to disagree.

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